This survey will ask you some questions about RunRev, their main product LiveCode, and your opinions and relations towards them. Anonymised reports will be posted on the RunRev forums, the use list, as well as this website. A slightly more detailed report will also be delivered directly to RunRev.

You can enter your email after the questions, to receive a notice when such a report is made.

This questionaire is not conduced by (or on behalf of) RunRev.

Questions about RunRev as a company (questions about LC the IDE & the Language are asked further below):

1.1 Features:
a.) How much would you agree with this statement:
"RunRev released many new features within the last year."

Disagree Agree

b.) What can RunRev the company do, to become better at creating new features?

1.2 Bug fixes:
a.) How much would you agree with this statement: "RunRev fixed many bugs within the last year"

Disagree Agree

b.) What can RunRev the company do, to be better at fixing bugs?

1.3 Communication
a.) Please rate RunRev the companies communication skills and efforts:

Atrocious Excelent

b.) How much would you agree with this statement: "RunRev has improved it's communication considerably, compared to one year ago."

Disagree Agree
1.4 Contact & support
a.) When was your last support incident / contact with RunRev?

b.) How satisfied where you in regards to your last contact with RunRev?

Unhappy Excalted

c.) What was your last contact or support incident about?

d.) What can RunRev do to improve support or similar direct contacts with customers like you?

1.5 Community
a.) How likeable is RunRev as the center of the LiveCode community in your opinion?

The Devil in Person Love is bliss

b.) How much would you agree with this statement: "I am satisfied with the information that I recieve about RunRevs future plans (frequency of updates as well as quality and quantity)."

Agree Disagree

c.) What should RunRev change to be more effective at communicating?

d.) Did you ever offer help to RunRev, and how did they react?

1.6 Company Success
a.) How successful would you say is RunRev as a profit oriented company?

Failure Midas touched

b.) Rate RunRev the companies dedication to quality, it's attention to details:

No Quality Perfect Execution

c.) If you'd be CEO of RunRev, what would be the first thing that you would change to improve the company?

1.7 Final Comments on RunRev
a.) Other comments regarding the company:

Questions about the LiveCode IDE as a product and tool (language questions further below):

2.1 Quality & Ease of use
a.) How much would you agree with the following statement: "The LiveCode IDE is a coherent and high quality product."

Agree Disagree

b.) Would you say that the LiveCode IDE is an effective and useful everyday scripting tool?

Garbage Perfect Tool

c.) To improve the quality of the IDE, what would need to change the most, and how:

d.) If you where to suggest this IDE to your peers, what would be the first positive point that you would tell them about:

2.2 Documentation & Help
a.) How much would you agree with the following statement: "The LiveCode IDE offers good documentation and help to me as a user"

Agree Disagree

b.) How easy is it to find information, help and documentation for LiveCode topics?

There is help? Info overload

c.) To enhance the usefulness of help and documentation, what would need to be changed the most:

2.3 Open Source & Praise
a.) The LiveCode IDE and Engine are open source projects, do you feel invited to participate in editing and enhancing them?

Disagree Agree

b.) What would need to change for you to participate in these Open Source projects, or if you did, what convinced you to participate?

2.4 Final Comments on the LiveCode IDE
a.) Other comments regarding the LiveCode IDE:

Questions about the LiveCode language:

3.1 Advantages
a.) How would you rate the scripting language in overall feature richness, compared to other languages that you know?

1 10

b.) How would you rate the scripting language in ease of use, compared to other languages that you know?

1 10

c.) How easy is the language to learn and teach?

Easy to learn Unteachable

d.) What is the greatest strength of LiveCode as a scripting language?

3.2 Backdraws
a.) How much would you agree with the following statement: "The advantages of the LiveCode language are the main reasons I put up with the IDE."

Disagree Agree

b.) Do you get angry often when using LiveCode?

Kill all Machines Coding Buddha

c.) If you think the last two where loaded question, then please explain here what weaknesses in the overall RR/LC ecosystem aggravates you the most:

d.) What is the greatest weakness of LiveCode as a scripting language, and how would you fix it?

3.3 Final Comments on the language
a.) Other comments regarding the LC scripting language:

Final wrap up questions:

4.1 Please write down comments on the survey itself (missing questions, not fun enough, etc.):

4.2 First name:
4.3 Last name:
4.4 Enter your eMail if you want this Surveys summary:
5. Check this if you are not a robot.